Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Carnage in the Office

Symptoms: Head buzzing, ear ringing, heart racing, shallow breathing, adrenaline pumping, appetite dwindling, blood pressure rising, stomach churning, imaginary blood dripping down the forehead.....

Diagnosis: Insanity in the office: Plan strategic work plan and have it out with budget within 12 hours. One media event in 6 days' time which media invite should be out yesterday....

Treatment: Bottle of Tequila to be stocked under the table with various shot glasses and lime slices.

Me: J, I think we need to store a bottle of Tequila under the table and drink when we need to to deal with the madness. How about you go buy a bottle now?

J: How about I get a few cans of kerosene, pour it around the building and douse the rest all over and throw a lighted  match in?


1 comment:

j said...

ah..b...u r ever so adorable...j


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