Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sign of old age?

SMS conversaton between me and Josh:

The bloody Senbei that chipped my tooth...mine's double the thickness god damn it, it was insanely tasty...grrrr
Me: I chipped my tooth yesterday eating some very hard and thick Japanese rice cracker! Damn it...fucking hell!
Josh: We're not spring chicken no more, must be more careful when eating solid food...hehe
Me: Fucking hell
Josh: Either that or chew chalk as snack henceforth strengthen your teeth..wahaha
Me: You're full of shit...don't laugh at me, you might chip your tooth
Josh: Puh-leeease, I know better. My friend chipped his. Crushed his molar on a piece of super hard caramelized danish. From then on I'm extra careful when the food's too hard
Me: Danish is a bit pathetic! At least mine's really hard! First time I ate it, it cut my gum and I bled! Now my tooth's chipped! Indeed, we're spring chicken no more!
Josh: Stick to baby food, you'll live longer...hahaha
Me: Bitch! So mean but so true....

Damn....I wonder if it's sign of aging....I'm not liking the sound of it....Gimme back my "Spring Chicken" days!


Unknown said...

I tink so, too. When I was younger, my teeth are like damn hardy. I use them to bite EVERYTHING. Now I can feel they weakened tremenously and had to resort to use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Aging definitely don't agree with me either.

Jess said...


Need a good daily skincare regime and product recommedations! Just saw some age lines on my neck. Argh....

B said...

Hey Jess,

Sorry for the late reply!

I'll be doing a skincare thingy later though not so much on anti-aging. But if you're concerned with neck, try the Shiseido Neck Contour treatment, it's meant for the neck. Only that it's actually for more mature skin and it tends to be a bit oilier.


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