Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random stuff of the day.....

It's mid-week Wednesday and how drab, boring and uninspiring.....2 days before the weekends beckon but I just found out next week is a loooong weekend cos of Good Friday! Woot! We saw some hot foreign talent coming in just now to sign some employment contract....cute guy but so hairy that he looks more like our primates cousins than homosapien....and because it's such a tiny office here, someone "accidentally" saw his monthly pay and it's a 2-digit sum!....though not a high 2-digit, it's enough to make us feel shit cos we're on the other end of the spectrum....booo...

Anyway, here're some random boring updates of this mid-week Wednesday....

Wearing: My limited edition Fifi Lapin pin!
Woot....Fifi's been recovering from a bad fall lately...poor bunny...Fifi's coming up with a book soon and I can't wait to get my little hands on love Fifi! A little bunny told me it's coming out in September I think....

Takeing: Chitosam Trim
I got it last night from Watsons and it promises to break down and remove fat naturally....I've never tried it before but yesterday I was in a state of panic paranoia cos I couldn't make it to the gym due to work and last Saturday, I skipped gym cos I was too tired and now I feel bad....feel bad canceling with my personal trainer last minute and I feel even worse cos I didn't work my body...and I'm horrified of growing fat...thus, the Chitosan Trim....I mean I didn't make it to the gym, I could at least pop something to stop the blubber growing no? But I'll update on whether this shit works....Ohhh notice the cool "take away cup" coffee/tea mug? Love it! Christmas present from my boss

Using: Gorgeous Uni Style Fit Pen
Oh then the other day, while at Kinokuniya with BB, I bought the Uni Style Fit Pen! It lets you mix and match the colors of the ink (up to 5 different ones and it comes in a 3-color version too)'s got different cute casing and I got this one with little hearts...there's some polka dots one too...and I've got a combination of blue, brown, orange, pink and purple...super nice...I'm a stationary junkie...

Clutching: Silly Hello Kitty Charm
And here's my putting to use the seemingly useless Hello Kitty charm I bought in Hong Kong last now holds my office pass and keys and it's so huge that I can easily fish it out of my bag

Carrying: Mulberry Daria
Speaking of bag, here's hand bag du jour....the Mulberry Daria (by now you should know I'm a big big big Mulberry fan)....Alexa's resting at home....and poor Daria's stuck in the bottom drawer of the work desk desk is tiny....

Ohhhh I'm looking forward to finding "interesting" mail in my mailbox too....they're coming up.....muahahaha.....should be all in by Friday...woot!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now I know y you so broke liao lah. You bought so much useless stuff... Actually I oso lah, so in no position to criticize you. Wahaha...

You know what, 5 years in the bloody company, I dun get any shit frm my (ex)bosses. You r quite lucky siah. As for the chitosan thingy, I tried the one from Fancl. The pills r oso knwn as self delusion pills, btw. LOVE the Mulberry bag though. You better guard yr bag close.


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